My elder brother started a twitter account Everything Microsoft for which he used to curate news and tweet from it. The twitter account gained a huge number of followers overtime and then my brother decided that the tweets should be automated and there should be a website to accompany the twitter account. That’s where I got involved. I built the website using HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and SQL. The website operates basically on various scripts that are run hourly by a cron job. The first script collects articles published in the last hour and cleans the XML data so that the required details of the articles can be stored in a custom SQL database. The second script hooks into Bitly’s API to shorten the link of a particular article and then updates the database with the shortened link as well. The third script then takes an article’s headline and the shortened link and tweets it. Once tweeted the database is updated again to change the status of a particular article as posted so that the same article isn’t sent out twice.

The site has since expanded from covering only Microsoft to include, Apple, Cyber Security and the likelihood and scenarios that might lead to next World War.